As it turns out, all my rudders are drilled the same. However, the set I'm refinishing are not drilled the same.
First, here's the set of EPO rudders I refinished last year.
When I did the final sanding, I went through the top coat to the second coat below.
The blotches are the second coat showing through. The finish is completely smooth...
Here's the three sets all sitting on top of each other, they all line up pretty well.

Since these all line up, I will suppose that these are the holes I'll need on the set I am refinishing.
Putting the set I'm refinishing on my finished set, the holes are not drilled in the correct locations, you can see they are off.
That means that I will fill in the holes with fiberglass resin and filler before I re-drill the holes. It came off a H16, but I'm thinking that it might have been drilled for another Hobie?
After all this work, I found this template: I'll have to print out a copy and see what I have!
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