Monday, December 8, 2014

Hobie 16 EPO Rudder 2 Side 1 - Drilled Holes

I had to buy some more low grit orbital discs, and tried out some 40 grit discs on rudder 2.  I still needed 3 of them to finish one side.  The finish is about the same.  I want to do the edges with something finer like 120 or even 220, so they are still not done.

The only reason I can think of why someone would have taken the edge down to the fiberglass and core was maybe to get rid of rudder hum?

Rudder one has two holes drilled, I am definitely going to fill one if not both of them and re-drill he hole.

Rudder two's hole has been deformed and elongated over time, I'm pretty sure I'm going to fill that in and re-drill as well.

I am going to take all my rudders apart and compare all the drill holes.  It will be interesting to see the differences between all the drill holes on four sets of Hobie 16 rudders!

I'll take pictures of the Hobie EPO rudders I've refinished already so you can see what they look like after sanding like this and 3 coats of epoxy resin, two with graphite filler.  It will also be interesting to see how this set compares to my other restored set!

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